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how to submit?

Documents you need to upload along with your application:


  • a description of the work you enter + a description of your ideal scenography 

  • images of the work

  • your artistic resume 

  • potential extra information or useful links


Use this description in the filename of every document you enter: name_surname_portfolio (pdf, doc(x) or pages, max 10MB).


It's important to make your application and your documents as clear as possible. This way we can get a correct idea of the work you're submitting.



Here you can have a deeper look at the rules for this open call.


  • You live and/or study in Flanders and/or Brussels.

  • You are a (yet) non-professional artist. Professional artists are not eligible.

  • You own all copyrights. The organization accepts no responsibility for possible copyright infringement.

  • Films are subtitled: preferably in English, otherwise in Dutch.

  • Make sure your submission is complete.

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